Cross Cultural Dispute Resolution


The Cross-cultural Dispute Resolution (CCDR) research group is in many ways the intersecting point where major elements of analysis come into play. Consistent with the notion of “selective adaptation” which is a cornerstone of the theoretical foundation, the CCDR group provides important comparative frameworks and methods of data gathering, field research techniques and data analysis to all the other research groups and country teams. Chaired by Michelle LeBaron, a leading expert on cross-cultural dispute resolution, inter-cultural communication research and programming, the CCDR group members act as advisors to how certain elements of the research should best be implemented. Equally important, the CCDR group provides the interpretive lens through which the research can best be studied to render more useful results, thus leading to policy recommendations that are deeper than is now generally available in the academic, public or even private domain.

In addition to providing a cross-cultural analytical eye for the program, the CCDR group also takes lead initiatives to develop new research relevant to the discourse of international trade and human rights but more importantly, to their practice as well.

Collaborating with the Chair, the CCDR group is also made up of noted scholars; Richard Birke, Randolph Lowry, Yoshitaka Wada, Michael Crommelin, Ljiljana Biukovic, and Sarah Biddulph.


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